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How Can I Get Motivated Quickly?

How Can I Get Motivated Quickly?

The term get motivated is commonly used in ordinary speech to express the inner drive needed for someone to do something. Motivation is the force that propels human behaviour. According to a study by Washington University, most people readily acknowledge that...
How To Get Motivated At A Moment’s Notice

How To Get Motivated At A Moment’s Notice

One of the keys to getting you to take action and keep you going each day is knowing how to get motivated. You will have times when you feel like you have no drive to do anything at all, no matter who you are. Even the most productive and accomplished people will have...
5 Tips To Stop Avoiding Your Problems

5 Tips To Stop Avoiding Your Problems

Want to learn how to stop avoiding your problems? Then read on … According to VeryWellMind, “procrastination, passive-aggressiveness, and rumination are examples of unhelpful coping mechanisms that we may consciously or unconsciously use to avoid tackling...
How Passion at Work Helps You Get Ahead

How Passion at Work Helps You Get Ahead

A recent study has discovered 88% of people are unhappy in their job. The other 12% experience joy and passion for what they do. Are you in this 12%? If not, you’re not alone. Sadly, a lack of passion does more than make the day drag. When you’re not enthusiastic...