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The Seven Principles Of Giving Feedback

Feedback and Personal Growth

Feedback is an important component of how we all learn. Yet, if it is so fundamental to our development, why is it that people generally suck at giving it!
The Seven Principles Of Giving Feedback

Feedback is an important component of how we all learn.

Yet, if it is so fundamental to our development, why is it that people generally suck at giving it!

Managers are expected to be good at it, as though it is a natural ability they all have. Well, maybe it is and they’ve simply forgotten how to use it.

After all, I’m guessing they had no problem when they were five in giving feedback to the other kids in the playground?

What did we do back then that we don’t do so much of now? Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in these seven principles of giving feedback:

1. Timing Is Key:

Feedback is always most effective when given as soon as possible after the behaviour has occurred. The immediacy helps to reinforce correct behaviour and make it more likely to happen again. At the very least, it is highly desirable to give corrective feedback before the situation occurs again.

2. Seeking Self-Feedback:

By asking the person for self-assessment involves them in the feedback. It promotes an open atmosphere and dialogue where feedback is the norm. The person is almost always aware of his or her own strengths and weaknesses, so it is far more effective to allow the person to voice opinions before providing your own assessment. By seeking self-assessment, the person will more readily assume responsibility for his or her own abilities and performance.

3. Be Specific:

When you focus on a specific correct or incorrect behaviour, you remove the feedback from the sphere of personality differences and the other person will be more willing and able to change.

4. Focus On What Matters:

Identify one or two critical areas and help the person address them one at a time. It is too hard to examine and try to change many aspects of behaviour at one time. Restrict feedback to one or two important points so that you do not overwhelm the other person with too many things to consider.

5. Provide More Praise:

Positive reinforcement is one of the strongest factors in bringing about change. Unfortunately, a lot of people always focus on what goes wrong! When you give corrective feedback, remember to point out corrective behaviours first. This is as important as pointing out mistakes and areas that need improvement. And always end the conversation on a positive.

6. Recognise The Expected:

People deserve to be praised for behaving to the expected level. However, too many people take the expected level for granted. Remember that praising anyone who meets established standards is as important as praising the exceptional performer.

7. Encourage Change:

Work together to identify the desired change and how it can be achieved. Decide together when the changes will be accomplished.

“Make feedback normal. Not a performance review.”

– Ed Batista

Call to Action

Now, on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is poor and 10 is excellent) rate your performance against each of the principles above for when you provide feedback to your team and colleagues.


What do you notice?

Is there one principle of giving feedback that is particularly stronger than the others?

What specifically is it that you do that makes this stronger than the other principles?

Which principle is relatively weaker than the others and what can you possibly do to strengthen this principle?

Let me know how you get on with these.

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