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Articles about Mental Resilience and Toughness we think you'll love

Building Mental Resilience for Personal and Professional Growth

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to build mental resilience has become crucial for achieving personal and professional success. Understanding Mental...

Building Mental Toughness: 10 Keys to Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

Mental toughness is a critical component of success, both personally and professionally. It refers to the ability to handle difficult situations and overcome...

8 Causes of Stress and Distraction

There are many causes of stress and distraction these days. Everything is fast-paced. This makes it seem like it’s impossible to slow down. You have people...

5 Ways to Stop Dwelling on Your Mistakes

We all make mistakes, and we are all responsible for those that we make. At the same time, we can all learn from our mistakes and achieve success by doing...

5 Tools for Boosting Inner Strength

Finding inner strength can be hard. There’s hardly a person alive who would tell you that life is anything but busy – and sometimes tough. You can be pulled...

7 Tips for Restoring Your Self-Worth After a Toxic Relationship

Well, that didn’t go right! After a toxic relationship, you may need to restore your self-worth. But how? We walk into a relationship with so much enthusiasm....
Creative Problem Solving the Right Way!

Creative Problem Solving the Right Way!

To be better at creative problem solving, imagine an unnamed person facing the situation rather than you!

Some time ago, I came across an interesting piece of research carried out by Polman and Emich that demonstrates people are better at creative problem solving when asked to solve other people’s problems rather than being asked to come up with solutions for their own.

Take a look as we share the puzzle that helps to show this.

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7 Ways To Connect With Your Inner Child’s Creativity

7 Ways To Connect With Your Inner Child’s Creativity

Over forty years ago, E. Paul Torrence conducted a study into children’s creativity, to find out if adult creative achievements could be predicted.

Torrance’s manifesto encourages us to stay true to our creativity and those treasured dreams we had as children.

Check out Torrance’s manifesto in a post from the MOC Blog archive.