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Why Businesses Use Coaching To Improve Performance!

Leadership and Executive Coaching

Over the last ten years, organisations have increasingly and successfully used coaching to improve performance. Indeed, coaching has been proven to support improved personal, team and business performance, often as a key part of an organisation’s leadership programme. In research conducted over the past three years we’ve found that leaders who have the best coaching […]
Why Businesses Use Coaching To Improve Performance!

Over the last ten years, organisations have increasingly and successfully used coaching to improve performance.

Indeed, coaching has been proven to support improved personal, team and business performance, often as a key part of an organisation’s leadership programme.

In research conducted over the past three years we’ve found that leaders who have the best coaching skills have better business results.VP of Global Executive & Organizational Development at IBM

In 2014, the CIPD Learning and Talent Development Survey ranked coaching as one of the most effective learning and talent development activities.

The survey revealed that coaching is now readily accepted as a proven method of developing skill and changing behaviour.

But coaching has been shown to go further than this, by directly impacting leadership, team and business performance.

Indeed, 92% of those surveyed said coaching has a measurable impact on the bottom line.

Furthermore, businesses that seek external support with coaching are considered to be 14% more ambitious and 50% more successful than those who don’t.

However, the value and benefits of coaching are often only realised when all of those involved prepare and engage in the process – whether as a coach, a coachee or as the business sponsor for coaching.

In a recent study, training alone improved leadership skills by 22%. When combined with Executive Coaching, improvement jumps to 77%.Fortune

So, are you getting the real value from coaching?

How do you, and the people around you, prepare for coaching?

And…how do you measuring the impact of coaching as part of your organisation’s development?

To find out how coaching can help you and your organisation improve performance, drop me a line.

Have a great week.

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