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5 Tips To Build Your Confidence Levels

Self-Esteem and Confidence Building

Do you feel bored in your day-to-day routine? Do you wish you could get out of your comfort zone but don’t know how to start? Maybe there is something you have always wanted to try but you’re afraid or unmotivated. You are not alone! Most people feel this way at some point in their life. […]
woman wearing pink blazer

Do you feel bored in your day-to-day routine? Do you wish you could get out of your comfort zone but don’t know how to start? Maybe there is something you have always wanted to try but you’re afraid or unmotivated.

You are not alone! Most people feel this way at some point in their life.

Here are five proven strategies to build confidence and overcome fears.

1. Learn Something New

Start with an achievable goal and set higher goals as you accomplish them to keep you motivated. While engaging in new skills, you might discover a talent that gives you a sense of purpose or a creative outlet.

Your brain is capable of change and growth at all stages of life. According to, the brain’s prefrontal cortex thickens when learning new skills, demonstrating a physiological change that correlates with higher IQ and better memory.

As we learn, we build confidence in different areas of life and shut down fear and anxiety. In continuing to learn new skills, you can actually expand your comfort zone instead of just stepping out of it temporarily.

2. Engage in Physical Activity

While any physical activity is beneficial to health and wellbeing, there are a couple of standouts that can improve your confidence quickly and reliably. found that both yoga and resistance training improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Resistance training is ideal for lasting changes and developing confidence via body image. Yoga can boost confidence almost instantly by improving your mood and posture.

3. Helping Others

Helping others can give you a sense of purpose and alter your mindset. As you begin to shift the focus from yourself to others you will likely find that it feels good to be of service and out of your own world.

Volunteering, tutoring, and mentoring are all ways that you can step out of your comfort zone and gain confidence at the same time.

According to, giving and cooperating with others stimulates reward areas in the brain. Those who participate in voluntary service generally have higher self-esteem and better physical and mental health.

4. Mindfulness

Being present can be a huge confidence booster. People spend too much time dwelling on things they cannot change and making mountains out of molehills. Untangle yourself from the constant stream of unhelpful thoughts.

There are many valuable apps available to try meditation if you need more structure or guidance. Mindfulness results in improved mood and reduced anxiety among other benefits. You can use specific meditations or mantras to boost confidence and motivation to move toward your specific goals.

5. Limit Social Media

Spending too much time on social media can negatively impact your mental health and confidence. While there are positive ways to use these platforms, too many of us fall into the cycle of scrolling and comparing ourselves to others’ curated lives.

Do you make inspirational boards of things that you want to do someday?

Pick one of those things and do it!

Research has found the average person is on social media for two hours per day and suggests limiting that time to thirty minutes. With all that extra time, you can accomplish the other things on this list as well!

Final Thoughts

It is never too late to start making positive changes in your life. Confidence and getting out of your comfort zone are things that work hand in hand and depend on the amount of effort you put in.

The more you accomplish, the more confident you will feel and the more your comfort zone will expand. Employ these five tips in your life, then get out there and make the most of it!

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