Why We Suck At Giving Feedback

Why We Suck At Giving Feedback

Let’s be honest, we’re really not that good at feedback, are we? We tend to give feedback by reflex, often using outdated models we’ve taken from significant people in our lives. Broadly speaking, people fall into three categories when giving feedback: 1....
7 Top Tips For Giving Feedback

7 Top Tips For Giving Feedback

Over the years, I’ve seen some great examples of giving feedback…and some not so good! I’ve also been subjected to both good and bad in my time as an employee. The sad thing is, I’ve probably experienced far more bad examples than good. It...
The Seven Principles Of Giving Feedback

The Seven Principles Of Giving Feedback

Feedback is an important component of how we all learn. Yet, if it is so fundamental to our development, why is it that people generally suck at giving it! Managers are expected to be good at it, as though it is a natural ability they all have. Well, maybe it is and...
Learn To Accept The Praise You Receive!

Learn To Accept The Praise You Receive!

Do you easily accept and remember the praise you’ve achieved? Answer this question … Can you remember what was written on your school report? Whenever I’ve asked this question to a group of people, most will give a little shudder as it summons up...