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5 Brain Hacks to Build Your Belief in Yourself

There just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you want. We find ourselves caught up in a slew of obligations involving everything from work to...

Why We Suck At Giving Feedback

Let's be honest, we’re really not that good at feedback, are we? We tend to give feedback by reflex, often using outdated models we’ve taken from significant...

How to Be Assertive Without Rubbing People The Wrong Way

Assertiveness is an important skill for effective communication as an adult. Assertiveness allows you to advocate for yourself and your needs in a healthy...

4 Stages of Receiving Feedback: The Emotional Rollercoaster!

Whether you're giving or receiving feedback, it's useful to bear in mind the following stages of the emotional rollercoaster people can go on. Let's face it,...

5 Things People Love Talking About!

I once read somewhere that to be interesting, you have to first be interested - and that means becoming an expert at listening. After all, people love talking...

Day 3: Programming Your Habits

Welcome to day 3 of the goal setting challenge. Did you create your systems yesterday? I hope you found them helpful. Today we’re going to be talking about...
Unlock the Power of Patience

Unlock the Power of Patience

Patience is a state of mind that allows us to accept and cope with obstacles or delays in life. It involves letting go of things outside our control and can lead to a happier life with less frustration, anxiety and stress.

8 Causes of Stress and Distraction

8 Causes of Stress and Distraction

There are many reasons why you may experience stress and distraction these days. Everything is fast paced. This makes it seem like it’s impossible to slow down. You have people pulling at you from every direction, wanting something from you. However, you can learn the common reasons for your stress and distractions so you can reduce or eliminate them from your life.

The 5 steps to Improve Yourself

The 5 steps to Improve Yourself

Do you ever wonder how to improve yourself? Let’s start by acknowledging that you’re fantastic just the way you are! Everything you’ve done and everything you are makes you you, which is pretty damn terrific! That said, we have to be honest with ourselves and say that...